Taking vitamin C

Basically, we get vitamin C by consuming food (fruits and vegetables). The recommended intake a day is 100mg and should be taken through our diet. In terms of health preservation and pharmacological benefits, it is important to take a high dose of vitamin C. The standard daily amount is 500-2,000mg, but you can decide the amount for yourself taking your age and lifestyle into consideration. Take it three times a day, right after every meal. Considering the absorption rate and its effect, take it three times a day and immediately after meals. For example, it increases the absorption of iron and suppresses the formation of nitrosamine through amine and nitrous acid. When full, it does not act as an acid and so will not cause diarrhea.

Vitamin C can come in two forms: soluble fine crystals (powder) and tablets. Read the package inserts to know the proper use of each. For people taking it for the first time, start from a small amount and then gradually increase it. By doing it, the stomach adapts to the acidity and this prevents the occurrence of diarrhea.

Let us take vitamin C in soluble fine crystals form

Let us take vitamin C in soluble fine crystals form. Vitamin C in powder form (pure crystals) has a wide variety of use at home. It can be added to the cooking and to mixed juice in order to prevent the destruction of vitamin C and increase its nutritional value. Instead of putting salt on peeled apples to stop it from turning brown, dissolve vitamin C crystals on water for preeminent effects. It can be also used as a substitute for vinegar. Adding chilled tofu with soluble fine crystals and soy sauce will be the same taste as the vinegar soy sauce. It can be also added to whisky and distilled spirit (shōchū) diluted with water. The biggest advantage of using it in pure crystal form is you can use it in numerous ways to promote vitamin C intake at home. Please try to find other ways of making good use of it.


Taking enough vitamin C is needed to preserve our health, but being healthy is not only about taking vitamin C. Eating healthy and nutritious food is a fundamental of being healthy. Balancing the three major nutrients, i.e. carbohydrates (sugar), proteins, and fats, is important. We tend to lack in micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. See to it that we are taking adequate amount of vegetables and fruits. If we unfailingly take vitamin C, we can be in an even healthier state.

A great deal of information regarding health and food can be found everywhere, but we should train our eyes to pick the right ones. For example, not only vitamins but also take sufficient iron and calcium, add a lot of fiber to our diet; avoid foods that have high levels of salt, sugar, and fats, eat until 80% full, stop smoking, and avoid too much alcohol drinking.

I trust that this handbook will help you with health promotion and preservation and serve as a reliable guide to prevent a number of illnesses including adult diseases.